Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Bibliographic Archives
Title: 082 - Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R)

The 082 tag of the MARC bibliographic format contains
a complete classification number assigned by the 
Library of Congress or another cataloging agency. 
Classification numbers are assigned from the Dewey 
Decimal Classification (DDC) full or abridged editions.  
Information about the editions can be found at:

Vendors use the 082 tag to provide a suggested Dewey 
Decimal Classification number in the MARC records they 
provide. In addition some systems use the 082 tag to 
generate the call number in the holdings information 
for the item. 

Classification numbers serve a dual function for the 
library user. The classification number is a locator 
that tells a library user where an individual item is 
located in the library. Dewey Decimal Classification 
numbers are also subject classifications that tell 
library users where other items on the same or similar 
subjects may be located. 

The first indicator tells whether the classification 
number comes from the Abridged or the Full edition of 
the Dewey Decimal Classification schedules. The second 
indicator tells whether the Dewey Classification 
number was assigned by the Library of Congress or by 
another library or vendor. 

Subfield a contains the Dewey Decimal Classification
number. These are 3 digit numbers and can be followed 
by a decimal point and other numbers. In long 
classification numbers a slash (/) indicates where 
the number may be shortened. When space s follows the 
classification number this indicates that the number 
was assigned to the series the item belongs to. This 
may be followed by another subfield a with a Dewey 
Classification number for the item. In addition to the 
Dewey Decimal numbers [E], [Fic], B, and 92 are used 
in this subfield. 

Subfield b contains the item number. This may be a 
Cutter Number assigned from one of the Cutter or 
Cutter-Sanborn tables. Many libraries use the first three 
letters of the main entry here. Volume and copy number 
information may also be entered here. 

Subfield 2 is used for the number of the edition of the 
Dewey Decimal Classification. The unabridged Dewey 
Decimal Classification is in its 23rd edition. The Abridged 
Dewey Decimal Classification is now in its 15th edition. 


First  Type of edition

     0 Full edition 

     1 Abridged edition 

     7 Other edition specified in subfield 2

Second  Source of classification number

 blank No information provided 

     0 Assigned by LC 

     4 Assigned by agency other than LC 


     a Classification number (R) 

     b Item number (NR) 

     2 Edition number (NR) 


There is no mark of punctuation at the end of this 


     082 14 _a973.7

     082 04 _a813/.54

     082 00 _a025.4/31

     082 00 _a[E]

     082 00 _a818/.5409

     082 04 _a[Fic]

     082 00 _a973.929/092

     082 00 _a659.1 s

     082 1   _a813

     082 0   _a813.3
                 _bM531m c.2