Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Authority Archives
Title: 151 - Heading - Geographic Name (NR)

The Heading - Geographic Name (151 tag) of the MARC 21
authority record contains an established form of the 
name for a place. 

Geographic names include names of planets, continents, 
countries, regions, states, cities, neighborhoods, 
oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, and other geographic 
features. These may be used as subject headings. 

Some geographic names are included in the Library 
of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the Sears 
List of Subject Headings, and the Library of 
Congress Annotated Card or AC headings for children's 
literature. Geographic names used as subject headings 
may also be found in the Cataloging in Publication 
(CIP) on the verso of the title page in many books. 

Geographic names are established according to the 
rules in chapter 23 of the Anglo-American 
Cataloguing Rules (AACR2). In addition to 
established headings, local libraries may add their 
own subject headings for local use. The examples below 
should be useful in setting up geographic names when 
there is no established form available. 


First  Undefined

 blank Undefined 

Second  Undefined

 blank Undefined 


   Name portion
     a Geographic name (NR) 
   Subject subdivision portion

     v Form subdivision (R) 

     x General subdivision (R) 

     y Chronological subdivision (R) 
     z Geographical subdivision (R) 



     151    _aSun

     151    _aMars (Planet)
            _vJuvenile literature

     151    _aAsia, Central

     151    _aSouthwest, New
            _xDescription and travel

     151    _aUnited States
            _xForeign relations

     151    _aClear Lake (Iowa)[a city]

     151    _aClear Lake (Cerro Gordo County, Iowa : 
              Lake)[a lake]

     151    _aClear Lake (Steuben County, Ind. : 
              Township)[a township]

     151    _aAthens (Greece)
            _yDuchy, 1205-1458

     151    _aWashington (D.C.)

     151    _aWashington (State)

     151    _aHarlem (New York, N.Y.)

     151    _aPacific Ocean

     151    _aGreat Lakes

     151    _aGreat Lakes Region

     151    _aRed River (Ky.)

     151    _aNile River

     151    _aNile River Valley

     151    _aNile River Watershed

     151    _aEverest, Mount (China and Nepal)


     151    _aCentral Asia

     151    _aSouthwestern States


     151    _aWest (U.S.)


     151    _aMain Street (Keller, Tex.)