Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Authority Archives
Title: 500 - See Also From Tracing - Personal Name (R)

The See Also From Tracing - Personal Name (500 tag) of
the MARC authority record contains another authorized 
form of the name. Names in the 500 tag are often other 
names under which the person wrote or performed. Many 
personal name authorities established by the Library 
of Congress also have see also from tracings for 

Local libraries may want to use see also from tracings 
when they create their own personal name authorities. 
Librarians who know an individual wrote under other 
names should enter these names in 500 tags. 

The subfields used in the 500 tag of the authority 
record parallel the subfields used in the 100 tag in 
the MARC bibliographic format. In addition subfields 
t, n, p, l, s, k, and f allow the authority record to 
include the title of a work associated with the 
person. Subfields v, x, y, and z allow for 
subdivisions used with the name in a subject heading. 


First  Type of personal name entry element

     0 Forename 

     1 Surname 

     3 Family name 

Second  Undefined

 blank Undefined 


   Name portion

     a Personal name (NR) 

     q Fuller form of name (NR) 

     b Numeration (NR) 

     c Titles and other word associated with a name 

     d Dates associated with a name (NR) 

     e Relator term (R) 
     j Attribution qualifier (R)

   Title portion

     t Title of a work (NR) 

     n Number of part/section of a work (R) 

     p Name of part/section of a work (R) 

     l Language of a work (NR) 

     s Version (NR) 

     k Form subheading (R) 

     f Date of a work (NR) 

   Subject subdivision portion

     v Form subdivision (R) 

     x General subdivision (R) 

     y Chronological subdivision (R) 

     z Geographical subdivision (R) 


Library of Congress

     100 1  _aSeuss,
     400 0  _aDr. Seuss                           
     500 1  _aGeisel, Theodor Seuss,
     500 1  _aLeSieg, Theo.,
     500 1  _aStone, Rosetta

     100 1  _aGeisel, Theodor Seuss,
     400 1  _aGeisel, Ted,
     500 1  _aSeuss,

     100 1  _aLeSieg, Theo.,
     400 1  _aSieg, Theo. Le,
     500 1  _aSeuss,

     100 1  _aStone, Rosetta.         
     400 0  _aRosetta Stone (Writer)  
     500 1  _aSeuss,
     500 1  _aFrith, Michael K.

     100 3  _aRegan family
     400 3  _aO'Regan family 
     400 3  _aRagan family   
     400 3  _aRagen family   
     400 3  _aRagin family   
     400 3  _aRagon family   
     400 3  _aReagan family  
     400 3  _aReagen family 
     400 3  _aReagin family  
     400 3  _aReagon family  
     400 3  _aRegin family
     500 3  _aRagginer family
     500 3  _aRiggins family   

     100 1  _aStine, R. L.            
     400 1  _aStine, Robert Lawrence  
     500 1  _aStine, Jovial Bob

     100 10 _aTwain, Mark,
     500 10 _aSnodgrass, Quintus Curtius,
     500 10 _aClemens, Samuel Langhorne,