Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Authority Archives
Title: 411 - See From Tracing - Meeting Name (R)

The See From Tracing - Meeting Name (411 tag) of the
 MARC authority record contains another version of a 
meeting name. Meeting names in the 411 tag differ from 
the established form of the name because different 
spellings of the name may have appeared on title pages 
or the name may be different in other languages. 

Many meeting name authorities established by the 
Library of Congress also have See From Tracings. 

Local libraries may create their meeting name 
authorities for names not established by the Library 
of Congress. When library users are familiar with 
other forms of the meeting name, these other forms 
should be entered in the 411 tag. 

The subfields used in the 411 tag of the authority 
record parallel the subfields used in the 111 tag in 
the bibliographic record. In addition, subfields n and 
t allow the authority record to include the title of a 
work associated with the meeting name. Subfields v, x, 
y, and z allow for subdivisions used with the name in 
a subject heading.

First  Type of meeting name entry element

     0 Inverted name 

     1 Jurisdiction name 

     2 Name in direct order 

Second  Undefined

 blank Undefined


   Name portion 
     a Meeting name or jurisdiction name (NR) 
     c Location of meeting (NR) 

     d Date of meeting (NR) 

     e Subordinate Unit (R) 

   Name and title portions 

     n Number of part/section/meeting (R) 

   Title portion 

     t Title of a work (NR) 

   Subject subdivison portion  

     v Form subdivision (R) 

     x General subdivision (R) 

     y Chronological subdivision (R) 

     z Geographical subdivision (R) 


Library of Congress

     111 2  _aParis Peace Conference
     411 2  _aVersailles Peace Conference
     411 2  _aPeace Conference at Paris
     411 2  _aConference de la paix
            _d(1919-1920 :
            _cParis, France)
     411 2  _aFriedenskonferenz
            _d(1919-1920 :
            _cParis, France)
     411 2  _aParisiin Rauhankonferenssia
     411 2  _aPariser Friedenskonferenz
     411 2  _aPreliminary Peace Conference
            _d(1919-1920 :
            _cParis, France)

     111 2  _aOlympic Games
            _n(21st :
            _d1976 :
            _cMontreal, Quebec).
            _eOrganizing Committee
     411 2  _aOlympic Games
            _n(21st :
            _d1976 :
            _cMontreal, Quebec).
            _eComite organisateur
     411 2  _aOlympic Games, 
            _cMontreal, Quebec,
            _eOrganizing Committee

     111 2  _aGeneva Conference
     411 2  _aGeneva Summit
     411 2  _aBig Four Meeting
            _d(1955 :
            _cGeneva, Switzerland)
     411 2  _aGeneva Four-Power Conference
     411 2  _aMeeting of Heads of Government of 
              France, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, 
              and United States
            _d(1955 :
            _cGeneva, Switzerland)
     411 2  _aGeneva Conference of Heads of Govenment

     111 2  _aLewis and Clark Expedition
     411 2  _aLewis and Clark Expedition
     411 2  _aLewis & Clark Expedition
     411 2  _aCorps of Discovery
     411 2  _aLewis and Clarke Expedition

     111 2  _aMan in Space Symposium
     411 2  _aInternational Man in Space Symposium
     411 2  _aIAA Man in Space Symposium

     111 2  _aDaytona 500 (Automobile race)
     411 2  _aDaytona Five Hundred (Automobile race)
     411 2  _aDaytona International Speedway Race

     111 2  _aVatican Council
            _n(2nd :
     411 2  _aCatholic Church.
            _bVatican Council
            _n(2nd :
     411 2  _aCatholic Church.
            _bConcilium Vaticanum
            _n(2nd :
     411 2  _aConcilio ecumenico vaticano
            _n(2nd :
     411 2  _aVatikanisches Konzil
            _n(2nd :

     111 2  _aNational Conference on Youth Fitness
            _d(1984 June 8-9 :
            _cWashington, D.C.)
     411 2  _aConference on Youth Fitness, National

     111 2  _aAlaska's Agricultural Symposium
     411 2  _aAlaska Agricultural Symposium

     111 2  _aLife-Span Conference
            _n(2nd :
            _cWest Virginia University)
     411 2  _aWest Virginia Conference on Life-Span
              Developmental Psychology
            _n(2nd :
            _d1971 :
            _cWest Virginia University)
     411 2  _aLife-Span Conference,
            _cWest Virginia University,

     111 2  _aAlgebraic Conference
     411 2  _aKonferencija algebrista

     111 2  _aAlcohol-Immunology AIDS Conference
     411 2  _aAlcohol and Acquired Immunodeficiency 
              Syndrome (AIDS) Network Conference
     411 2  _aAlcohol and AIDS Network Conference