Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Bibliographic Archives
Title: 040 - Cataloging Source (NR)

The Cataloging Source 040 tag of the MARC 21 
bibliographic record contains the MARC code or the 
name of the organization that created the original 
record, assigned the MARC content designation (tags 
indicators, and subfield codes) and transcribed the 
record into machine-readable form or modified an 
existing MARC record. The source of these codes is 
MARC Code List for Organizations available at 
the Library of Congress at: 

Subfield a contains the MARC code or the name of the 
organization that had the item and cataloged or 
described the item for the original bibliographic 
record. Subfield b contains the code for the language that
the bibliographic record is cataloged in. Subfield c 
contains the MARC code or the name of the organization 
that translated the bibliographic information into the MARC 
format. Subfield d contains the MARC code or the name 
of the organization that modified, corrected, enhanced, or 
made additional changes to an existing MARC 21 format 
record. This subfield is repeatable and each organization 
that makes changes adds their code or name in a separate 
subfield d. Subfield e contains the code for the descriptive
cataloging rules used in creating the record.  Records 
cataloged with RDA (Resource Description and Access)
will have "rda" entered in this subfield.

Some helpful MARC organization codes for 
interpretation of records include: 

     DLC      Library of Congress  

     ICrlF    Follett School Solutions catalogers

     IMchF    Follett (Found in records processed by Data Services prior to
                              April, 2014)

First  Undefined

 blank Undefined

Second  Undefined

 blank Undefined

     a Original cataloging agency (NR)
     b Language of cataloging (NR)

     c Transcribing agency (NR) 

     d Modifying agency (R) 

     e Descriptive conventions (R)


There is no punctuation preceding any of the subfields 
and no punctuation at the end of this tag.


     040    _aDLC
     (The Library of Congress cataloged the resource
      in the English language and transcribed the record
      into the MARC format. The descriptive cataloging 
      rules of Resource Description and Access (RDA)
      were used in creating the record.)

     040    _aDLC
     (The Library of Congress cataloged the resource
      in the English language and transcribed the record
      into the MARC format using RDA cataloging guidelines.
      Follett catalogers modified the record.)

     040    _aICrlF
     (Follett catalogers cataloged the resource in the 
      English language, following RDA cataloging guidelines 
      and transcribed the record into the MARC format.)