Tag of the Month

Category: Tag of the Month Bibliographic Archives
Title: 310 - Current Publication Frequency (NR)

The 310 - Current Publications Frequency tag contains
the publication frequency of a serial. This 
information is useful to the librarian and to the 
library user. Information about frequency will help 
the library user who may want to know how often the 
serial comes out and when the next issue is expected. 

The information helps the librarian in assessing 
whether the library has received all the issues and in 
claiming missing issues. 

The Anglo American Cataloging Rules (AACR2) 
discusses how to record the frequency of a serial in 
rule 12.7B1.  RDA instructs how to record
the frequency providing a list of terms to use. 

Subfield a contains the statement of frequency. When 
the frequency varies in a predictable way add this 
information in parentheses following the frequency. 
Subfield b contains the date the current frequency 
began. When the current frequency has not changed from 
the first issue of the serial subfield b is blank. 
When the frequency has changed, the date of the change 
is recorded here. The former frequency will be entered 
in Tag 321. 


First  Undefined

 blank Undefined 

Second  Undefined

 blank Undefined 


     a Current publication frequency (NR) 

     b Date of current publication frequency (NR) 


Subfield b is preceded by a comma.

The tag does not end with a mark of punctuation unless 
the last word is an abbreviation, initial/letter, or 
other data that ends with a mark of punctuation.


     310    _aMonthly (except Jan. and Aug.)

     310    _aMonthly

     310    _aDaily (except Sun.)

     310    _aBiennial

     310    _aAnnual

     310    _aIrregular

     310    _aMonthly (except July),
               _bJan. 1975-	       

     310    _aMonthly (except semimonthly in Aug.),
               _bAug. 15, 1990-

     310    _aBiennial,		